Introducing the JHM Oil Separator Heater Bypass Kit for the RS5 V8 4.2l FSI.
What does this kit do? From the factory the RS5 4.2L FSI comes equipped with 2 coolant lines that heat up the oil separator at the back of the intake manifold. Why do they do this? This is a precaution for climates that are colder than 32 degrees Fahrenheit. They heat the oil separator up to warm up everything quicker for meeting stricter emissions requirements. This transfers heat from hot coolant to the back of the intake manifold near the throttle body. This is unnecessary in temperatures above 32 degrees Fahrenheit and only slows your car down by heating up the air in the intake manifold. This kind of modification has been done on other cars like B6-B7 S4s, Mustangs, and Subarus for years. We have found that this modification works great to keep your car faster once warmed up instead of slowing down when the hot coolant begins running through the oil separator vacuum port.
2x - Brass fitting to connect lines together once you remove the factory hose section.
2x - Stainless hose clamps (to replace the one time use clamps removed during the install) .
1x - 5/16" heater hose to join the two sections once the factory plastic pipe and hose is removed.
2x - Caps to cover unused fittings on Throttle Body elbow (not 100% needed but most people prefer to not leave parts open to the elements and neither do we.)
NOTE: Not recommended for extremely cold climates.
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